The Subic Bay Freeport Chamber of Commerce is calling on all its eligible members to participate in this annual SBFCC election of its directors to occupy a seat in the board for a term of two (2) years. See below for the Official list of Candidates.

While subject to change, there will be three (3) seats to fill during this election.
Directors having one year remaining on the Board: Derrick Manuel, Edna Canlas, Jaime Mendoza Jr. and Zedrik Avecilla
Directors who decided to re-run for this upcoming election: Prof. Danny J. Piano
September 12 – September 27, 2019 – NOMINATION PROCESS BEGINS: Attached is a Nomination Form in which Corporate Members in good standing may nominate members of their choice for next year’s Board.
October 1 – October 4, 2019 – CANDIDATE’S WRITTEN COMMITMENT: Those nominated are asked for their written commitment for a minimum of 15 hours per month of service. Upon acceptance of the nomination, they will be declared as official candidates in the voting process.
October 7 – October 31, 2019 – CAMPAIGN PERIOD: Official candidates may conduct campaign strategies of their choice. Candidates may request assistance from the Election Committee should there be any campaign materials or ads they would want to disseminate to the voting members of the Chamber.
November 5 – November 22, 2019 – VOTING PROCESS: Based on confirmed candidates who have verified they are willing to serve, voting ballots are forwarded to all Corporate members who are asked to VOTE for the candidate(s) of their choice.
November 25, 2019 – TABULATION: Votes are tabulated by the Election Committee. Any Corporate member/s may observe the tabulation process and witness the counting of the ballots.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS – This will be done as soon as the tabulation of ballots is finished and results are ready, usually through mass email.
Officer Selection – Next year’s officers (Directors) are selected /voted by the Board of Directors.
Official presentation of the new set of Directors and Officers will be done during the last Mixer for the year (Date to be Announced soon)
Should you have any questions, kindly contact the Chamber office at 252-3180/3190 or email at;